Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Changing tides...

They said he’d never become a scientist, but Graham knew how to stand against odds. He never felt alone as he was guided by some stronger force. Now he’s a reputed scientist, but his enemies are still out to get him. Jill, his girlfriend was traumatised on hearing the persecution this genius was subjected to. Psychotronic weapon torture after being put on unnecessary Psych meds, organised harassment, reversible poisoning with a Neurotoxin, & 24x7 accumulation of false eye witness accounts-that is what Graham had endured in the last 25 years. But there was a stolid silence around the victim. He occasionally talked about how he was victimised & that too, only to Jill. One evening, after attending an international convention they decided to have a conversation…

Jill:“After you got your doctorate they never let you live in peace even for a second, aren’t you angry with them?”

Graham:“Their perverted behaviour is now known to the whole world, I believe Karma will catch up with these losers!! I don’t waste time thinking about them..”

J:“They filed false complaints & kept you jobless for so long!! Someone who is as gifted as you are… A gold medallist, someone who knows so much, maybe more than so called ‘experts’!!’’

G: “These shameless losers always claim that I’m brilliant when I join a new workplace, for their sick & perverted needs!! Then they start amassing false evidence against me, & then use it to torture me as & when needed!!”

J: “It’s a good thing that this cycle is now exposed for the world to see. More importantly, the world must know that these kind of low human beings exist, & how they take delight in torturing isolated victims!!”

G:” When I was reversibly poisoned using a Neurotoxin, some legal authorities did not proceed promptly. I remember how mercilessly I was harassed & tortured!!”

J: “I’m with you & from now on, we will fight this battle together!!”

G: “This society is literally the worst one on this planet…My so called friends & relatives who tortured me or abetted my torture are now in foreign lands. They’re living a dream..”

J:”I hope more truth comes out…They should know where to draw lines..”

G: “The people behind this won’t hesitate to throw me out of this job or poison me & start over again…It just shows how eunuchoid they are…”

J:” The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness, is one of my favourite quotes..After listening to your experiences, nothing resonates more..”

G:”They made deep fake recordings of me shouting incoherently & insulting everyone…”

J:”You don’t need to be a genius to guess they’d do that…Like I said, now the world will know…”:

G:” Let’s change the topic…Now that you’re with me, I have a little bit more hope in me..”

J:” What do you want to talk about?”

G:”Well, we already talked about Karma, let’s talk classic movies..”

J:” Okay, who according to you is hotter Ingrid Bergmann or Marilyn Monroe?”

G:” Ingrid Bergmann, her character in Casablanca is breathtakingly beautiful..”

J:”Groucho Marx or Charlie Chaplin, who is funnier?”

G:”Charlie Chaplin.. I know you love Duck Soup..”

J:”Lol…Favourite classic?”

G:” To Kill A Mocking Bird..”

As the moonbeams streamed in through the windowpanes, these two lovebirds chatted away. More & more evidence of the atrocities perpetrated against Graham were coming to light. Call it Karma or Divine grace, this man is lucky in more ways than one…Add to that the fact that Graham’s enemies proceeded completely illogically...

Expect the Best, Expect Divine Guidance, Expect your Fortunes to Change, Expect a Miracle!”-Wayne Dyer




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