Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Changing tides...

They said he’d never become a scientist, but Graham knew how to stand against odds. He never felt alone as he was guided by some stronger force. Now he’s a reputed scientist, but his enemies are still out to get him. Jill, his girlfriend was traumatised on hearing the persecution this genius was subjected to. Psychotronic weapon torture after being put on unnecessary Psych meds, organised harassment, reversible poisoning with a Neurotoxin, & 24x7 accumulation of false eye witness accounts-that is what Graham had endured in the last 25 years. But there was a stolid silence around the victim. He occasionally talked about how he was victimised & that too, only to Jill. One evening, after attending an international convention they decided to have a conversation…

Jill:“After you got your doctorate they never let you live in peace even for a second, aren’t you angry with them?”

Graham:“Their perverted behaviour is now known to the whole world, I believe Karma will catch up with these losers!! I don’t waste time thinking about them..”

J:“They filed false complaints & kept you jobless for so long!! Someone who is as gifted as you are… A gold medallist, someone who knows so much, maybe more than so called ‘experts’!!’’

G: “These shameless losers always claim that I’m brilliant when I join a new workplace, for their sick & perverted needs!! Then they start amassing false evidence against me, & then use it to torture me as & when needed!!”

J: “It’s a good thing that this cycle is now exposed for the world to see. More importantly, the world must know that these kind of low human beings exist, & how they take delight in torturing isolated victims!!”

G:” When I was reversibly poisoned using a Neurotoxin, some legal authorities did not proceed promptly. I remember how mercilessly I was harassed & tortured!!”

J: “I’m with you & from now on, we will fight this battle together!!”

G: “This society is literally the worst one on this planet…My so called friends & relatives who tortured me or abetted my torture are now in foreign lands. They’re living a dream..”

J:”I hope more truth comes out…They should know where to draw lines..”

G: “The people behind this won’t hesitate to throw me out of this job or poison me & start over again…It just shows how eunuchoid they are…”

J:” The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness, is one of my favourite quotes..After listening to your experiences, nothing resonates more..”

G:”They made deep fake recordings of me shouting incoherently & insulting everyone…”

J:”You don’t need to be a genius to guess they’d do that…Like I said, now the world will know…”:

G:” Let’s change the topic…Now that you’re with me, I have a little bit more hope in me..”

J:” What do you want to talk about?”

G:”Well, we already talked about Karma, let’s talk classic movies..”

J:” Okay, who according to you is hotter Ingrid Bergmann or Marilyn Monroe?”

G:” Ingrid Bergmann, her character in Casablanca is breathtakingly beautiful..”

J:”Groucho Marx or Charlie Chaplin, who is funnier?”

G:”Charlie Chaplin.. I know you love Duck Soup..”

J:”Lol…Favourite classic?”

G:” To Kill A Mocking Bird..”

As the moonbeams streamed in through the windowpanes, these two lovebirds chatted away. More & more evidence of the atrocities perpetrated against Graham were coming to light. Call it Karma or Divine grace, this man is lucky in more ways than one…Add to that the fact that Graham’s enemies proceeded completely illogically...

Expect the Best, Expect Divine Guidance, Expect your Fortunes to Change, Expect a Miracle!”-Wayne Dyer




Sunday, 19 January 2025

Tempest of Questions!!


Jeff’s latest painting was the piece de resistance of the art exhibition-a small boat getting whirled around by a tempest with questions marks floating on the waves..After the buzz of the event, Jeff slowly made his way back home…

Later that evening he met up with Jill. They sat by the beach. As the waves crashed on the shore, she tried to prod him about his morbid past…

“I know you’ve been to hell & back every other day..But, why don’t you just forgive everyone?”, Jill asked.

Jeff replied hesitantly-“I did, but then they took everything for granted & messed things up beyond repair!!..I don’t know why I did so the first time…Forgiveness is a powerful tool in this life, you should know exactly what to forgive & what not!! Let’s not talk more on this, I prefer not to..”

The two friends drove through the city…The neon signs flashing, city life blurring past the windows, some random Indie rock song blaring from the stereo set…

Jeff’s small apartment was where he worked on his pieces. He had this routine, where he would pour his heart out on paper & then paint based on what he had jotted down. Jill, was privy to this routine. As they were sipping hot chocolate, she took the paper lying near the lampshade & read the cursive notes..

Should I call this ‘Sea of circumstances’ or ‘Tempest of questions’??

We’re all tossed about on the sea of circumstances. Some of these are of our own design & others slapped upon us by destiny. With each wind of uncertainty blowing, we’re left with no choice but to adjust our sails, hoping that we won’t drift too far from safer shores. But then sometimes, safe shores also get hit by Tsunamis, then where exactly is a safe haven from life’s merciless travails?? This tempest of questions is coming on strong… Can you define anything in this sojourn called life?!!

Trust- I read somewhere that trust (in others) is like a glass ball, if you don’t hold it carefully it will hit the ground & scatter into pieces. Once you lose trust in a relationship, it’s well-nigh impossible to build it up again. Your money, job, & social status are like rubber balls. If they fall from your hands they may bounce & come back to you. But if you trust yourself not to go astray, but do so, will you trust yourself again? Do you have options then? Will your frantic efforts to piece together faith in yourself wound your soul irreparably??!!

Collateral damage is inevitable in life, when you’re fighting for something & hence against something, you’ll end up hurting innocent people. Sometimes, we do this so badly, it’s hard to forgive ourselves. But life only gets manageable when we do let go of the pangs of remorse & start over on shaky legs, forgiving, hoping for a chance to make amends…But are these chances guaranteed? Will these chances drift away while life distracts us otherwise?  

Expectations- Don’t expect others to know what you expect of them. No matter how clearly you explain it to them, they will perceive it through their private filters, & leave you jaded. Instead, know what you expect of yourself, take small steps to meet these expectations…What if some expectations overshadow your very existence??What if others’ expectations suck out all the life from yours??

Norms- what someone else considers to be normal, could be jarringly weird in your eyes & vice versa. Does this word have any meaning at all?

When the door behind you closes, what do you do? Spray paint the walls? Break open a window? Where exactly do you let hope percolate into your soul, before making your next move?

Forgiveness- What is it? Can you not partially forgive an act & find more of solace than completely forgiving it?

Love- Does it blind us from the mine fields that we’re destined to walk on? Does it insulate us from unbearable pain? Is it just a chemical reaction or a genetic urge?

Principles- Are they life jackets on these stormy seas? With neon lights guiding us at night? Do they sway in anger or when tempted by desire??

If your soul’s ablaze, do you need to jump in ice cold water or look in a mirror to see the weird beauty of it all?

How much is this moment really worth if you rip away every material possession, every deep desire & every insecurity you ever held??